Monday, April 13, 2009

Burn After Reading

A movie by the Coen Brothers. Enough said.

Burn After Reading is a movie that is more and more shocking every step of the way. The whole movie is the climax. Frances McDormand plays Linda Litzki,a recurring character in Coen Brother movies, for good reason. Osbourn Cox gets fired from the CIA and decided to write a memoir. He leaves the CD that his it is saved on at the fitness club where Linda Litzki and Chad (Brad Pitt) work. They find the CD and decide to turn it into cash. These leads to an unbelievable series of events.
The movie has similar plot twists and themes as Fargo and The Big Lebowski, also written by the Coen Brothers. It is really fun to watch all three of these movies and to point out the similarities. They have some of the same actors which is interesting to see them in different roles. These movies take you on a chaotic adventure that you end up feeling apart of. You want to goofy characters to succeed and get out of their predicament.

I really liked this movie but there are some people who hated it. My advice would be if you are going to watch it go into it with an open mind. In Coen Brother movies anything could happen.

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