Thursday, November 6, 2008

True Life | I'm Obese |

I was sitting in my room and watching TV and this show came on about Obesity. It was talking about obesity being a genetic disease and an how eating is an addiction. The show was giving this man excuses for being fat and justifying his obesity. i found this sick and it made me think about our society. Then i noticed, it is only five o'clock and i am laying in bed watching TV.
How did it come to be like this? How are Americans so lazy?
We do as little as possible to get by.
It's not etirely our fault though
It's just how our culture is.
Compare us to China. They go to school all day and base their lives on the importance of education.
In America education is far from the top of our list.
Bush passes the no child left behind act which has good intentions. But without the money we need to follow through with it then it's crap. It is doing absolutely nothing for us. Kids skip school and hate doing their homework.
In china they are quickly excelling far past American technology and education.
Have you ever met a foreign exchange student?
They are so much more motivated and so much smarter. It's intimidating.
There is only one way to solve it.
We have to change. Our society has to start from the bottom and work our way back up. I think the best way to start is by converting our schools to year-round schooling.
It's to late for my generation we have to start thinking about our kids. How do we want our kids to grow up?