Friday, February 20, 2009


Blogging is an unconventional way, classroom wise, of sharing our opinions and practicing our writting. I agree that it is a creative and a great idea. However, just the fact that it is all through the computer, with no actual tangible assignments to turn in, makes it so easy to put off and put off until you evenually convince yourself that it's too late to do at all.

A positive aspects of blogging is that you can bring in so much more then just your own ideas. You can link articles and videos and websites that illustrate something further and help to clarify your point, or maybe even refute it. Also, my favorite feature is the pictures, they adds life to your ideas and add a scapegoat from boredom. The attachments that you can add to your website are also fun. They allow you to personalize your space for people to analyze and critique.

After writing a post my feelings could go either way. I could be very proud of my latest creation and be excited to share it with the world. Or, if i didn't put forth all my effort i could hate it and not want anyone to read it. This is a bad feeling and often deters me from posting. The fact that anyone can see my work is exciting yet terrifying at the same time. Blogging goes way beyond just writing your opinions for practice in your AP class. It is linked to the outside world and is open for criticism. Maybe i am just looking too far into it but that often inhibits my motivation to blog. Like i said though, when i am very proud of my writing then it feels good to display. Maybe it's an esteem issue.

Blogging has the potential to be fun. It is a step in a positive direction for our technology advancing schools.

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