Sunday, January 11, 2009


Atmosphere is an independent hip hop group from Minneapolis. They are extremely successful for being independent and enormously diverse and excellent. The beginning days of Atmosphere are a little confusing and besides the point so basically now the hip hop group consists of Ant and Slug. Ant (Anthony Davis) is the producer and has produced every album except one. Slug (Sean Daley) writes and performs all of Atmosphere's songs. The two are a perfect combination and create amazing music.

Slug has a way of writing lyrics that develop into more complex and intelligent works of art every time i listen to his songs. Lucy Ford is a theme that is seen in many of Slug's songs and is thought to represent his ex-girl friend and the mother of his son. However, she has developed into a symbol that represents all women and a device that only his fans will understand. His lyrics cease to amaze me and he has so many songs a can discover something new every day. His song Love Life displays his lyrical genius. It's like he is an award winning essayist, but he just write songs and if you listen close he knows you will discover his well written songs. Can you figure out what he is describing?

Individually wrapped, placed in neat little rows
Becoming A piece, of everything that grows
Some numbers, A name, to indicate you played the game
Came empty handed and left the same

Atmosphere is different then the mainstream rappers who know their music will sell so they just do whatever to get by. Atmosphere actually has intelligent lyrics that tell a story.

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