Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Do people of different ethnicity have different levels of intelligence? Studies show that yes they do. The average IQ score for an Americans is 100. This score is obtained by finding the mental age from an intelligence tests and dividing that by their actual age then multiplying that by 100. The average score for Americans is 100 so that means their mental age is typically the same as their actual age. African Americans have an average IQ of 85. The same gap has occurred in other cultures as well.
Intelligence can be attributed to heredity and environment. Researchers think that the gap could come from peoples different experiences as a racial group. Which lead to different genes and maybe even different intelligences. But also we know that environment is definitely a factor. Deaf children who miss out on the culture of the American language score lower on the test then hearing children do. Environment plays a larger role in group differences then it does in individual difference. One way to prove that environment is a factor is by looking at Asian children compared to American. Asians score a higher average on math tests then Americans do. This is probably due to the fact that they are in school 30 % more days then Americans and spend much more time on math.
However, even though statistics prove that some ethnic groups score higher then others you have to take into account the individual. You can't stereotype and assume that just because someone is a certain race they are not as smart. Once people start to get to college the intelligence gap regresses because the environment is so similar for everyone there. The most important thing is to take the individual into account and not the race they come from.

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